How to Study for the ACE CPT Test

 At the beginning of January, I decided to get my personal training certification. I chose to get it from ACE due to good reviews and there was a sale for the certification. I took the test on April 10th and I passed! Today I will be sharing tips on how to study for the test so you can become a personal trainer!

1. Become familiar with the language of the certification organization

ACE has a model for cardiovascular and muscular training. The model has specific terms that are only used within ACE trainers. The textbook and the videos are very helpful to get familiar with the jargon. 

2. Pay attention when you get your CPR/AED test

The ACE CPT test changes every year; however, when I took my test I was surprised at how many questions were about CPR guidelines.  Also, be familiar with RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation).

3. Quizlet is your bestfriend

There are hundreds of quizlets about ACE. Here are some that I used!

4. Be familiar with the human body

Knowing the muscular system is extremely helpful. Here is a website that I used to test my knowledge.

5. Learn the fitness tests 

Fitness tests such as McGill's, Thomas, talk test, etc popped up on the test all the time. Make sure you know what they test and what muscles may be weak or tight if a client can't perform the test properly.

6. Learn the difference between heat stroke vs heat exhaustion

Make sure you are not confused about the symptoms of heat stroke and heat exhaustion.

7. Be familiar with insurance and business policies regarding gyms and personal training.

Chapter 16 of the ACE textbook is about legal guidelines. I recommend making sure you are familiar with the terms and business policies.

Thanks for reading! And best of luck on the test!



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