Steps to Take to Improve Your Mental Health

Until I started college, I didn't realize how important mental health was. College has been extremely stressful and I have had to find ways to help my mind unplug. About a month ago, I was in so much pain. My whole body ached, I was nauseous, and a terrible headache. I was under a lot of pressure to get school work done and I truly believe that because of the stress my body shut down. That day I skipped one of my classes and took a 3-hour nap when I woke up I was perfectly fine. Here are some steps that I took to reduce my stress levels. Also, I've noticed that it has changed my mood! Some of these steps were difficult but worth it once I did it!

1. Journal in the morning
For the past two weeks, I've started writing 5 things that I'm grateful for and one small goal to do for the day. The goal that I write down is SMALL- I don't want to create an enormous and overwhelming goal that will stress me out. For example, today's goal was to look over a lab exam report and print it out. It's simple! Baby steps are everything.

2. Delete Netflix and Disney+ on your phone.
Oof. This was so tough. I'm a huge fan of Criminal Minds and any Disney movie (especially Sleeping Beauty). I caught myself watching a show rather than doing my work so I deleted the apps so I'm less likely to be distracted! I still have social media apps; however, I've made changes on those apps as well. 

3. Look at who you are following on social media.
I realized that I was following people on Instagram that 1) is an old account 2) made me feel negative or gave me wrong vibes or 3) I was worrying too much about their life. I decided to unfollow 200+ people on my personal Instagram account, and it feels SO GOOD. Seriously, consider for each person you are following why are you following them and are you guys still friends. I found myself not obsessing over posts and accounts and not spending hours on my phone. 

4. Don't look at your phone for the first 30 minutes after you wake up. 
When I wake up and look at my phone, all of the notifications pop up and stress me out. Instead, I don't even pick it up until I am ready. 

5. Get an essential oil diffuser!
At night, I will put some lavender drops in my diffuser and in the morning I put stress reliever, peppermint, tea tree, or thieves. 

6. Hot tea.
At night and sometimes in the morning I'll drink hot tea. Every once in awhile I'll have tea with caffeine but most of the time I will drink decaf! 

7. Listen to podcasts.
There is so much valuable information available on podcasts, some of my favorites are The School of Greatness, The Ed Mylett Show, The Skinny Confidential, and Mind Pump. 

Hope these tips help!


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