Everything About Mentorship

I have a mentor who is a professor at my college who teaches physical science. I have learned so much from her and have gained so much knowledge! Meeting with her is like therapy since she is very honest and gives me lots of advice! Here are some tips and tricks about finding a mentor, what to expect, and how to keep a good relationship.

My mentor and I were connected due to a program at my college. Get involved at your college and if you meet someone that you find inspiring, wise, and a good listener, try to go to his/her office hours and/or email him/her to ask if you could meet with him/her once or twice a month. It takes courage to ask but it will be worth it in the end!

If you are on social media and you look up to someone, message them through their DMs! If there's someone at church, talk to them after the service! There are lots of ways to find a mentor.

I have gained so much knowledge. My mentor and I not only talk about school but also life! She constantly challenges me to be a better person.

Also, if you need someone to write a recommendation letter, your mentor could be the perfect person to do it!

Expect quality time when you talk to your mentor. Absorb everything he/she says! My mentor has told me many of her mistakes and lessons that she has learned throughout her life, as well as her successes. This has been very helpful and valuable!

Lewis Howes had a mentor and when his mentor died he had left Lewis his valuable car. Mentors can become strong friendships but at first, it should be professional.

I meet with my mentor at least twice a month and we talk for about an hour each time we meet.

We communicate through text messaging because she gave me her phone number. When I text her I am of course polite and professional, but she uses emojis haha! Let your mentor decide if you will communicate through email or text, call him/her by his/her first or last name, etc.

Learn as you go about how you should act towards your mentor. Always be respectful and honest but many times mentors can become friends!

Hope these tips help!


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