Weight Lifting Beginner Tips

Weight lifting can seem intimidating to girls, it definitely was for me when I first started! Here are some tips that have dramatically improved my weight lifting skills.

~Do not make it a cardio session, allow yourself to rest before doing the next set! You don't want to be completely out of breath while lifting weights. This will wreck your technique and possibly lead to injury. A lot of people think that if they don't sweat during their workout it wasn't a good workout. This is not true! Sweat does not determine the quality of the workout.

~Don't feel intimidated at the gym! Everyone is doing their own workout and no one is going to care what you are doing. Like what Sarah's Day says, "Act confident and no one will question you".

~You don't have to spend 1-2 hours in the gym to get a good workout. When I first started lifting I did way too many workouts and reps that I was fatigued during my workout. Instead, choose 6-8 exercises and take your time to make sure you are practicing good technique.

~Stick with the fundamental exercises such as barbell squats, lunges, bench press, overhead press, deadlifts, etc. These exercises have helped me gain muscle more than any other exercise. This is because these are full-body exercises. Other exercises such as bicep curls, leg press, crunches, etc are not full-body exercises; therefore, not as beneficial. You can incorporate these exercises into your workout but try to add the fundamental exercises in every workout.

~Don't be afraid to lift heavy weights! Many girls think that if they lift heavy weights they will look buff like a man and therefore stick to light weights to get "tone".  This is completely false, toning is a word made up by the fitness industry. Muscle does not "tone", it shrinks or grows. Lifting heavier weights will make you stronger, more confident, build your metabolism, and so much more.

~Bring weight lifting gloves and a towel to the gym. In order to avoid callouses, wear gloves while you are lifting! Lifting with callouses can be very painful so wear gloves will help reduce the pain and prevent callouses! Some gyms provide towels but it is very important that your hands stay dry so you won't drop weights.

~Stretch/walk before and after each workout! This will help warm-up your muscles and prevent injury and increase your mobility.  I either walk to the gym, start my workout with a 15-20 minute incline walk, or stretch.

Thanks for reading and I hope that these tips help!


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