Tips to Save Money on Groceries

1. Buy the store's brand
Walmart has Great Value products that can be several dollars cheaper than brand-name products. For the longest time, I thought Great Value products were low quality, but this isn't true!! My husband and I buy Great Value frozen fruits and veggies, cans, bread, etc and the difference in taste is minimal. Next time you go to the store, compare the prices between name brand and store brand and you'll be surprised!
2. Buy fruits and vegetables that are in season
Do you ever notice that grapes can be cheap or really expensive? This is because fruits and vegetables that are in-season are cheaper because the fruits or vegetables are grown less or have to travel farther distances to the stores. If you ever want to know what fruits and vegetables are in season, check out
3. Go to the grocery store with a list and a plan of what you are going to make
This tip is not only good for saving money but also for losing weight! If you go to the store mindlessly, you are more likely to buy food that you don't need or snacks that aren't nourishing. Instead, consider what fruits and vegetables are in season and decide what protein, fruits and veggies, and complex carbohydrates you want to create your meals. I like to meal prep on the weekends so I have most of my meals made and I can save money, time, and stress! If you want to learn how to meal prep, check out this Instagram post.
Did you know that a study found that meal planning can help save $25 per day? Go into the store with a plan and you'll save cash!
4. Buy conventional fruits and vegetables
There is a lot of fear and misinformation about conventional fruits and vegetables. The truth is that conventional and organic fruits and vegetables are both nutritious and safe options. Save a few bucks and buy conventional produce!
5. Take advantage of coupons and apps
Did you know you can make money by saving receipts? I have gotten $60 worth of gift cards using the app Fetch, and you can buy gift cards to stores to Walmart, Amazon, restaurants, etc. You can use my code 6GTJB2 to get 100 points!
6. Eat before going to the store
Have you ever been to the store when you were super hungry? You may have noticed that you buy more than you need, more snacks, and foods that aren't healthy. Instead, eat a snack or eat a meal before you go to the store so your appetite doesn't influence your shopping!
7. Buy in bulk
If there are products or foods that you eat constantly and won't go bad quickly, consider buying in bulk! Check the unit prices (you can find these right to the price of the product) and see the difference between the bulk vs single items. Good examples are frozen veggies, frozen fruits, rice, flour, pasta, etc.
8. Track your expenses
Track your expenses for a few months and see if there are patterns that you can identify and eliminate to reduce your spending. For example, do you eat out several times a week? Do you get appetizers and drinks every time you go out to eat? Do you have subscriptions that you don't use anymore? There are lots of ways to reduce your expenses by making small changes!
9. Buy foods that are at a reduced price
Produce and meats get discounted when they are getting close to the expiration date. If you are planning on using the food immediately or freezing it, it is safe!
10. Don't buy specialty ingredients
Let's say you find a meal prep recipe that you want to try, but it requires ingredients that you likely won't use again. For example, a special kind of oil or garnish. The dish will still taste delicious if you skip ingredients that you will only use once!
What are some ways you save money on groceries? Let me know in the comments! Follow me on Instagram @chatswithgabby to learn more!
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