Do Americans Eat Too Much Meat?

The average American eats 270 pounds of meat per year {via}. In 2019, the United States was projected to produce 103.3 billion pounds of meat {via}. The amount of meat that Americans are eating is more than the recommended amount (80-100 pounds per year). Sadly, Americans are eating way too much meat and processed foods and not enough fruits and vegetables.

Many health experts recommend that for a MEAL, a palm-size of meat is plenty; however, it is important to get enough protein during the day. Many experts claim that people should consume .8-1 gram of protein per pound. People may need more depending on their goals. You do not need to get all of your protein from meat, so here is some other healthy options!
  • Nut butters
  • Milk (plant-based or dairy)
  • Tofu 
  • Tempeh
  • Nuts (Chickpeas, almonds, cashews, etc)
  • Whole grains like oats
  • Lentils
  • Vegan protein powders
  • Greek yogurt
  • Whey protein powders
  • Quinoa 

Meat provides lots of nutrients, such as vitamin B12, amino acids, iron, and creatine. Humans are designed to be omnivores; however, the American diet is filled with meat, salt, and sugar, and not enough plants. Rather than having meat be the main part of the meal, many nutrition experts, such as Cory Rodriguez, encourage people to be plant-focused.
Image from Functional Foods
In conclusion, it is important to not make meals meat-focused and try to incorporate more plants to make the meal balanced! Try incorporating more plant-based protein to reduce meat consumption and eat more fruits and vegetables to get nutrients that are only found in plants (such as vitamin C).

Due to the current situation, it is possible that meat will be scarce or limited since the food industry has taken a hit (like every industry) due to factories having to shut down because of COVID-19 cases. During this time, hopefully Americans will realize how much meat they consume and cut back on how much meat they eat. This situation could be the wake up call for Americans to eat healthier and not rely so much on meat. 

Hope these tips help!


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